Clarity Drives Purpose

You are worth the work!

Get the help you deserve to actualize your goals and dreams.

Whether it’s starting a new business, leveling up your current business, or looking for clarity of purpose, overcoming patterns and behaviors in your life is the key to getting what you really want.

Coaching has transformed my life, I am confident it can do the same for you.
Here are some additional specific ways that coaching with me can take place. 

Going Deeper

Recovery Coaching

Now that you’ve stopped dying from addiction, what’s next?
Finding meaning and leveling up your life has never been an option before.
Now that it is, you want to do it right and want a coach that understands recovery.



The Enneagram Personality Styles is a psychological-spiritual system for mapping the nine personalities. This map allows an individual to name their story and be aware of the way that story is moving toward salvation and integration or disintegration.


Spiritual Direction

The faith of your youth is not working.
You are not sure what your own faith looks like practically. Or as a new or expecting parent, you and your partner have different faiths and need guidance on establishing a faith for the family.



Together we will

Identify the core values of your company through the process of discovery using a proprietary brand brief questionnaire process. Develop creative strategies and communication plans for social media and websites.

Our goal is to define your company’s core values and points of difference, to clearly communicate those values and differences in marketing. Together we develop a communication plan that will result in higher brand resonance in the market and increase brain share for the local customer base.

I am an Interfaith Minister, Licensed ICF Coach, Licensed Practitioner of the Enneagram, Jesus follower, social misfit, 10 years sober and counting.

About Me

  • As the Creative Director for Steve Harvey, I learned to navigate events, radio, and television production.

  • As the CEO of my own boutique creative agency, I helped nearly 100 businesses and organizations communicate their brand.
  • As founder of Most High Ministries, I found purpose and passion aligned for maximum impact.

How Can I Help?